ISSN: 2966-0599
v.1, n.5, 2024 (Setembro)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.13653184
Autor: Major QOPM Claudio Arthur dos Santos Oliveira Pinto da Silva Vesgerau
Biografia: Possui graduação no CURSO DE FORMAÇÃO DE OFICIAIS pela ACADEMIA POLICIAL MILITAR DO GUATUPÊ (1997). Atualmente é instrutor na ACADEMIA POLICIAL MILITAR DO GUATUPÊ – Polícia Militar do Estado do Paraná (2013). Tem experiência na área de Direito, com ênfase em Direito Penal; Bacharel em Direito pela Faculdade Dom Bosco de Curitiba-Campus Marumby(2011); Especialista em Gestão de Pessoas com Complementação em Magistério Superior pela FACEAR/CEET/ICEET (2012); Especialista em Direito penal e Processual Penal na atuação Policial pela Universidade Tuiuti (2015); atualmente realizando gestão em Recursos Humanos pela Polícia Militar do Paraná e frequentando o Curso de Pós-graduação lactu sensu “Ciências Policiais e Gestão em Segurança Pública na Polícia Militar do Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul.
ABSTRACT: This article examines the relationship between the Paraná Military Police and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in police approach practices, as well as its influence on proximity policing actions. Autism spectrum disorder is a neurobiological condition that affects communication and social interaction, and can lead to atypical reactions during police stops. The study analyzes the existing policies, training and protocols of the Military Police of Paraná in relation to interaction with people with ASD, aiming to identify opportunities for improvement in the training and performance of police officers. The objective is to promote a more empathetic, effective and safe approach for all people, including those with autism spectrum disorder, contributing to the advancement of inclusion and accessibility in the police sphere. To achieve the proposed objective, descriptive research of a qualitative nature and bibliographic review were used. The data was collected through books, articles and legislation, made available on online platforms.
Keywords: Military Police, public policies, Military Police, public policies, Autism Spectrum Disorder.