ISSN: 2966-0599
v.1, n.5, 2024 (Setembro)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.13324245
Adly Gaby[1]; Leonor Rodrigues da Silva[2]; Sandra Maria de Jesus Freitas[3]
Biografia: [1]Graduado em Marketing pela Universidade do Norte do Paraná, também graduado em Geografia pela Fabras. Atua como interprete de línguas migrantes para secretaria do estado de Mato Grosso E-mail:; [2]Graduado em Letras: Português/Espanhol e Pedagogia. Com especialização em Alfabetização e Letramento. Atua na educação desde 2005. E-mail:; [3]Possui especialização em Libras e educação inclusiva pelo IFF de Mato Grosso atua como professora para secretaria do estado de Mato Grosso. E-mail:
ABSTRACT: This article aims to analyze the teaching-learning process at school through the relationship between student and teacher. This study seeks to explore the methods used in the classroom for the enjoyment of learning. Based on bibliographical research, we analyzed how teachers could improve their practice, with the need for a more focused look at their academic training. The results indicate that educational practice has changed over the years, however, there are still remnants of the traditional school in the learning process today. Even though it is no longer a school where the teacher was the only holder of knowledge in the classroom, nowadays students have their cultures and particularities respected. Therefore, there is a mutuality of knowledge sharing, but interaction for knowledge still has a long way to go.
Keywords: Learning. Teacher. Interaction. Relationship.