ISSN: 2966-0599
v.1, n.5, 2024 (Setembro)
DOI: 10.69720/2966-0599.2024.0001
Autor: Juliete da Paixão Vidal
Biografia: Mestranda em Direito pela Universidade Internacional Iberoamericana (UNINI México). Graduanda em Direito – Universidade Salgado de Oliveira (UNIVERSO). Especialista em Estudos Culturais, História e Linguagens pela UNIJORGE. Graduada em História pela Faculdade de Tecnologia e Ciências (FTC). E-mail:
Autor: Erika Marocci Gonçalves
Biografia: Graduanda em Direito pelo Centro Universitário Universo Salvador. E-mail:
Autor: Isa Laine Coutinho de Sousa
Biografia: Graduanda em Direito pelo Centro Universitário Universo Salvador. E-mail:
ABSTRACT: This article aims to explore the implications of telework under the aegis of Law No. 13,467/2017 for employers and employees in Brazil. To this end, the legal aspects related to telework after the entry into force of the aforementioned legislation will be examined. The study used a qualitative literature review and the deductive method for analysis and discussion. A bibliographic search was carried out in the CAPES and Google Scholar databases. Articles, monographs and dissertations were selected, as well as works by Labor Law doctrinaires, such as Calvo (2020), Delgado (2017), Estrada (2017), Oliveira (2020). The analysis of Brazilian legislation focused mainly on the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT) and specific laws such as Law No. 12,551/2011, Law 13,467/2017 and Law 14,422/2022. The Labor Reform, instituted by Law No. 13,467/2017, introduced significant transformations in the scope of telework. In which the definition and regulation of this type of remote work stands out, establishing specific guidelines for its practice. Subordinate teleworkers maintain the labor rights of other workers, except for the right to overtime for those who work for production or task. However, the theoretical study presents the conclusion that challenges can be listed in this same context, such as maintaining a sense of identity and belonging to the company is also more difficult in remote work, affecting emotional connection and corporate culture. For employees, the main challenge is to balance work and personal life, telecommuting can make this separation difficult, leading to work overload and impacting quality of life.
Keywords: Features; Law 14.442; Telework; Labor Reform.